Monday, February 24

3 Ways I Keep My Hair Healthy in the Winter

This is by far one of the worst Winters I have ever experienced. Luckily my hair hasn't suffered much and here is why.

1.) More Protein- In general, natural hair doesn't need as much protein as chemically treated hair. For me, it helps keep my hair strong, but I must only use a light protein treatment. Because of the extremely cold weather, then high dry heat at work and home, my hair needs more protein in the winter. I have been doing light protein treatments(ORS Replenishing Pack) once a month. By doing so, my hair remains strong yet soft.

2.) Baggying- Ok, I must admit my main reason for baggying is because I can be heavy handed with products and I'm trying to save my pillows/pillow cases. But baggying has been keeping my hair ultra moisturized. I only moisturize at night, by lightly spraying my hair and applying Shea-butter or an oil to seal.

3.) Coconut Oil Prepoo- Because I don't like to seal with coconut oil in the winter because it makes my hair hard, I use it as a pre-poo.  I coat my hair with Coconut Oil once a month, before I shampoo. This has been beneficial in helping my hair retain protein and moisture.

That's about it. Y'all already know my hair STAYS in twists or braids during the week. That also helps because it decreases manipulation and they seem to hold moisture more.

What has been helping you?


  1. Great list! This winter I've gotten into LOC instead of LCO and using hair butter on my ends.

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

  2. What helps me is water/moisture, deep conditioning, and Hot Oil treatment/pre-poo with EVOO

    1. That's great! I love EVOO, just haven't used it much lately.


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