Sunday, December 20

Gone for SO Long!!

I still can't believe I haven't posted since April 😮
I am so sorry for neglecting this blog and all of my lovely supporters! 
I still respond to emails and comments, but that clearly isn't enough.
2016 will be an amazing year and as I feel my passion for hair building up again, by the Grace of God I'll be back better than ever.
Stay tuned...

In the mean time, feel free to follow me on my new instagram or tumblr. I'm pretty active on both. 

Happy Holidays and talk to you soon! :-) 


  1. Welcome back you had me worried!! I hope you are still doing well and the hair, can't wait to see your progress.

    1. Thank you and I appreciate your concern! <3
      I am doing well, hope the same for you! Yes, I will be doing a much needed update soon. Happy Holidays! :-)


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