Sunday, May 23

Signs of Heat Damage

So, yesterday someone called me asking for some hair advice. She said she went to the salon and asked to get her roots blow-dried only, but the stylist blow-dried her whole head including her ends with very little heat protection. She said she can see her ends were starting to split and asked how to help with that. I suggested to moisturize and put either a good serum or Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the ends. Or to just apply the EVOO to the ends everyday. A little goes a long way. She would also need to trim a little at her next touch up, deep condition weekly and just baby her ends. It sux, especially if you were taking extra good care of your hair, but it happens.  Just gotta fix it, move forward and keep taking care of your hair/

Signs of Heat Damage
  • Dry, brittle, rough hair
  • Fried or split ends
  • Hair breaking easily (especially if you see shorter broken hairs)

  • Hair texture fails to come back. This is most recognizable in individuals who do not have a bone straight relaxer or have no relaxer at all. Once you wash the hair, your hair should curl back up with either your original texture or some type of texture if you're mildly relaxed. If you notice pieces of hair that are stick straight, chances are that these sections have been damaged by heat. (

How to Recover
  • Try to limit use of heat appliances- (roller set, air dry. wrap your hair then go under dryer)
  • If you do use heat, always apply heat protection first- (there are various types, I use Beyond the Zone- Turn up the Heat)
  • Gradually trimming or just cut off the ends
  • Deep Condition weekly with Moisturizing DC (protein works for some)
  • Moisturize and sealing ends daily

Check out this article- Very informative on how to prevent and correct heat damage

Preventing and Correcting Heat Damage

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