Wednesday, November 3

Flat Ironing Tips

Heat Damage is one of the worst type's of damage to the hair because the only remedy is to cut it off.
When flat ironing your hair, certain precautions should be taken to ensure your hair remains healthy.

Here are a few tips on flat ironing your hair.

  • Always make sure your hair is clean and fully dry before the flat iron touches it- I suggest Air drying first or waiting until your hair is about 80% dry then blow-drying on a cool setting to get it completely dry and a little straight
  • Prepare hair by doing a Mild Protein Treatment- Because the protein bonds in our hair can be broken by the heat, I suggest doing a Mild Protein Treatment the day  you flat iron your hair
  • Always Use Heat Protectant- Lightly smooth some or spray some on your hair before flat-ironing. You don't want to spray or use too much product in your hair before doing so though
  • Two Pass Maximum- There should be no need to constantly smooth hair or go over the same section with the iron, use your hands or a comb as a guide or to help stretch the hair while flat-ironing.
  • Work in Small Sections- This is a matter of preference. I see that the smaller the section, the less passes you need to get a straighter look. But it is less damaging to work in medium size sections although I tend to see the best results with those who work in smaller ones
  • Try to Purchase a Flat-Iron with Temperature Settings and be sure its Ceramic and Tourmaline- This way, if one temperature is too hot for your hair, you are able to change it . Ceramic and Tourmaline flat irons are the best for the hair. (feel free to do research on them)
  • Don't Over-do it with the Flat Ironing- Don't flat iron yor hair every day, you can do a quick cross wrap, wrap or pin curls to preserve your style.

How to See if Your Flat-Iron is TOO HOT
*Get a medium  piece of tissue paper, I use wrapping paper(for the hair). Make sure its big enough to fit in the plates with a little extra to hold.

*Lightly spray the center of the paper with water.*It should not be soaking wet, just mildly damp/

*Place the paper between the plates for five to 10 seconds.

*The paper should come out dry, but clean. If it's still damp, wait a few minutes then re-test

*If it's too hot, you will see smoke and scorching or other discoloration on the paper. Turn it down!

I Hope this helps anyone out there.


  1. Have you flat ironed your hair recently?

  2. No, I haven't. I haven't used direct heat since April, but I plan on flat ironing my hair in December for my end-of-the-year length check.


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